If you are looking for philosophy-infused ambient music, look no further than Gnosis (γνῶσις), the latest album by Chronotope Project. Jeffrey Ericson Allen's thoughtful compositions explore subjects derived from his passion for Greek Philosophy, carrying on the great ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The underlying musical commentary has mythological and scientific implications that express humanity's timeless quest to understand the nature of existence. For him, Music and Philosophy are complementary resources enriching knowledge.
Asking about his life and work, I was surprised to find both a musically-minded philosopher and a philosophically-minded musician. In the following interview, the Oregon-based composer, cellist, and storyteller look back on the moments and influences that shaped him, and we go into an in-depth exploration of the new album Gnosis.
(audio interview 37 min. + music mix 62 min.)
CHRONOTOPE PROJECT site: https://chronotope-project.com/
CHRONOTOPE PROJECT on Spotted Peccary: https://spottedpeccary.com/artists/chronotope-project/
CHRONOTOPE PROJECT on Bandcamp: https://chronotopeproject.bandcamp.com/